Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 2/14/2024

There is a non-zero chance you have unknowingly broken a world record.

Showering without glasses is an unspoken everyday struggle for many glasses-wearers.

There are many more instances of scientists finding out something is less healthy than previously thought than finding something is more healthy.

Taking out your earbuds when someone enters the room is the 21st-century form of respect.

For being so famous, the average person can only identify a Freida Kahlo painting if she is in the painting.

Kidney stones are human pearls.

The most average person in the world has a society designed just for them.

In reality, plants are farming us by giving us oxygen daily, until we all eventually decompose so they can consume us.

You know you’re old when your kids get gray hair.

The next best thing to wireless is a really, really long wire.

When weather varies in different locations, somewhere there must be a boundary where one step forward gets you wet, but one step back leaves you dry.

We often hear that we live in the third millennium or twenty-first century, however, we never hear we are in the 203rd decade.

Dog owners who don’t pick up after their dogs show a clear dereliction of doodie.

Someone will try to look at the solar eclipse through the Vision Pro.

No one cares about the shapes of the non-marshmallow Lucky Charms.

Regardless of how you die, the faster the better.

You can learn a tremendous amount about a country just by visiting a local grocery store.

You might have made a decision that has saved your life without even knowing it.

Knowing your attractiveness level accurately makes it easier to avoid being catfished.

You can very easily end up never having a partner in life if you just sit around waiting for it to happen.

The only thing we can really see are photons.

One of the few times you can blame your teammates for losing in a game is when your ranking goes up even though your team lost.

Graffiti is only frowned upon until it is a few hundred years old.


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