Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Just Ask Georgia: 2/14/2024

Georgia, I have a question,

I’m a mom to a little girl named Jubilee Sunflower Fern and I wanted to get her her first pet. I’m stuck between if I should get her a raccoon or a badger. She’s three years old so I think those would be my best options as she was born out in the woods, and has always loved wildlife.

My friends tell me I’m being dumb and that I should just get a kitten. Where’s the fun in that? I really think her having a badger or a raccoon would be more beneficial. Opinion? Or do you have any other suggestions for a pet that’s not a kitten, puppy, or a goldfish?

Unique Pets Only

Dear Unique,

I know that in this day and age, UNIQUE is preferred. I see this daily in names of this generation (I recently met children Quinn, Quinton, Quailey, and Quincy, all in the same family. Also....your child's name is...INTERESTING) and in many other ways. However, I don’t think offering your three-year-old a raccoon or a badger is a smart choice. Granted, when I was six my family did have a de-scented skunk named Toby...but that was a different time and that wasn’t necessarily a great idea then either!

A badger. A raccoon. These are wild animals. Not domesticated (much like my former skunk) and not meant to be kept by a three-year-old indoors.

How about a farm animal she can raise and love? A bunny? A chicken? a Llama? Something that actually LIKES humans, perhaps?

With love, Georgia

Georgia, I have a question,

Why is there a “D” in fridge, but not in refrigerator?


Dear Confused,

Great question. I also have absolutely no idea. Much like how Richard gets shortened to Dick, or Robert shortened to Bob. Maybe go ask an English teacher? Sorry, not much help with this one!

With love, Georgia

Have a question for Georgia? Email her at

Please note: this column is just for fun. No person, animal, or property has ever been harmed or in danger. Satire is “the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.”


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