It's beginning to look a lot like spring or maybe that is just wishful thinking. Just a reminder that the Library will be closed for Presidents' Day on Monday, February 19th. We will be open regular hours the rest of the week. The book drop is always open if patrons would like to return things after hours.
If you saw the Library staff wandering around with their arms full of roses, it is just staff delivering for AARP's Cupid Crew. The Library was given 75 long-stem roses to share with our seniors for Valentine's Day. It was a pleasure to bring so much joy to our oldest readers.
STEM Camp is Thursday, February 15th, at 2 PM. Miss Brandi has received all sorts of interesting packages for new experiments this month. STEM Camp is open to any child who is interested in hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math challenges.
Our first week of Silent Reading Club was great fun. Readers enjoyed sitting by the fireplace, finding big comfy chairs, eating goodies, and reading in silence. Everyone was invited to chat over the snack area if they needed a break or just wanted to share what they were reading. Silent Reading Club meets every Tuesday from 4 PM-7 PM. Readers may bring a book they are currently reading or choose a new one from the Library.
Mystery Book Club will meet on Tuesday, February 20th, at 5 PM so everyone may share their favorite mystery reads from the last month. The Library has acquired many new mysteries as well as new additions to our most popular series.
The 21st Century Program after-school program has discovered the world of quilting and finished paper cloth quilts for the K-2nd graders. The 4th - 8th graders experimented with cloth and Styrofoam quilted wall hangings. They learned that quilting involves color selection, geometry, fractions, pattern discovery, and research, as well as good eye-hand coordination. Their wall hangings are beautiful, just ask to see them!
The Library will be hosting a Caregiver Respite Retreat here at the Library on March 6th from 10 AM to 3 PM. Each caregiver will receive a $100 gift card to help cover the cost of caregiving or for self-care. The retreat is free and open to anyone who is caring for a loved one. Call the MSU Extension office to register at 1-406-287-3282. It will be a wonderful time of information, networking, and relaxation for those who give so much to others.
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