Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: A Note from the Whitehall Country Store Volunteers

Dear Editor,

Happy New Year from all of the Volunteers at the Whitehall Country Store!

As a team, we would like to take some time to extend our thanks to everyone who donates to and shops with "our" store.

While we may often refer to it as that, the store is actually yours, the Community's. Each item donated and then sold goes back into the community as a whole. As a result of this teamwork, this year we were able to return money to many needed areas.

We awarded $20,000 in College scholarships to four graduating 2023 Whitehall Seniors, Gold Junction Presents received a grant of $15,000, Toys for Tots received a $500 grant, Whitehall Transportation received $1,500 in grant money, and a December donation was made to the Whitehall Elementary school in the amount of $1,000 to be applied to the unpaid lunch accounts.

The volunteers here at the store log in many behind-the-scenes hours. A typical week, before opening to the public, can see us here up to 30 hours a week. The wonderful side of that is we all have the same mission and desire to give back, wanting to provide a helping hand to others.

The store is always thankful for all of the donations provided. We accept all clean, working, resalable items. Please do not send items that are stained or torn. Also, due to health issues, we can no longer accept any mattress or box springs with any staining.

A good rule of thumb when deciding what to donate is "Would you buy the item in the condition it is?"

We would like to invite others to join us! We are always excited to welcome other volunteers! This year, there are now part-time positions available. If you have a few hours each week open, sign up! You let us know what works, and we will match you with a current volunteer to meet with while the store is closed. When you see the ripple created by your work, you can't help but be proud!

Unfortunately, as with everything, there has become an increasingly difficult and hazardous side to this also. Once we unlock the dumpsters for garbage collection, they become a target for dumpster diving and dumpster tipping. It is more common than not, instead of working in the store, our time is spent cleaning up everything thrown all over the ground. The store is in the process of purchasing and installing new cameras and additional lighting. Please note the garbage cans are marked with the Town of Whitehall Ordinance signage stating any meddling with any Town garbage cans is punishable by up to $800 in fines. We will be working with law enforcement to get this problem under control.

We are looking forward to another amazing year of providing for our Community! Join us each Friday and Saturday from 1 PM to 4 PM (excluding holidays) for all the treasures you could imagine!

Your Whitehall Country Store Volunteers

Whitehall, Montana


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