Just a reminder that the Library will be closed for Presidents' Day on Monday, February 19th. We will be open regular hours the rest of the week. The book drop is always open if patrons would like to return things after hours.
Presidents' Day was first celebrated in the 1880s in honor of George Washington, commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution. Washington was the first president of the United States, and his birthday was declared a federal holiday. Abraham Lincoln was added in 1968 with the passing of the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill, which changed many federal holidays to Mondays to give workers a longer weekend. Lincoln's birthday was never an official holiday but was celebrated in many states in his honor. Today Presidents' Day is considered a celebration of all United States presidents and their lives, with official ceremonies in Washington, D.C., and many state capitals.
There will be no Friends of the Library meeting this month as people will be out of town and it is in between months for special Friends events. The Friends are always busy assisting the Library staff with programs, events, book sales, and special purchases. If you would like to see what the Friends are all about, please watch for their March meeting on the Library calendar.
The Library is part of the Cupid Crew, a program sponsored by AARP to bring flowers to those who have no one to celebrate Valentine's Day with. If you know of a senior who would love to receive a rose on Valentine's Day, please call the Library with their name and address. We will be delivering flowers on February 14th.
You may have noticed fewer books on the shelves as staff is busy weeding old books, worn books, and scratched DVDs from the collection. This is to clear the way for new items coming into the collection. Discarded items go into the book sale to raise money for different library programs and technology updates.
We are also moving things around to make room for our larger collections. The audiobooks are now on the back shelf of the paperback mystery racks and the newspapers have been moved to the end of the nonfiction. This was to make more room for the DVD collection which was outgrowing its shelving. The non-fiction DVDs are now at the end of the Science Fiction shelves to make more room for the PG-13 collection. If a patron can't find something, please ask at the front desk as staff will be glad to assist anyone in locating items.
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