Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Golden Sunlight Mine Receives Community Partner in Education Award

The Montana Association of Secondary School Principals Community Partner in Education Award is presented to a private citizen outside of the professional educational organization who is always there to support education and youth through his/her involvement in activities or projects that truly impact the schools and communities. The recipient is announced and recognized at the Montana Principals Conference.

This year the Golden Sunlight Mine in Whitehall was selected for the award. Rich Dyer accepted the award on behalf of the team at the Golden Sunlight Mine.

"Whitehall Schools is extremely grateful for the relationship and support our schools and community receive from the mine," said Whitehall High School Principal Jason Slater.

Past winners of the MASSP Community Partner in Education Award include 2022 Barb Byrne of Ulm, 2021 Kristin Taylor of Bozeman, 2020 Fairfield Lions Club, 2019 Lynn and Holly Lapka of St. Ignatius, and 2018 Tom Price of Eureka.


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