It’s interesting that in crystal therapy, none of the crystals do bad things.
There are two types of people: those who make the tip a round number or those who make the total a round number.
No matter how serious the conversation, you can never be 100% certain the person you’re talking to isn’t holding back a fart.
Some people don’t live the life they want because they are too afraid of having a difficult conversation.
Hairless cats are commonly seen as the ugliest feline but we are the hairless cats of the ape world.
People talk about extinct animals, but not extinct plants.
We never laugh at old people when they don’t know how to use a smartphone, but they always laugh at us when we don’t know how to use a rotary dial.
Whenever the word “classy” is used to describe something it rarely is.
It took humanity way too long to figure out that computers can be other colors than grey and beige.
We spend a third of a 24-hour day asleep, so a person who lives to 100 will have spent about 33 years of their life asleep.
Ice skating is not stereotypically masculine yet hockey is the only non-combat-based sport that lets players fight each other.
There is a moment in life when shaving your beard starts to make you look older.
Your dog watching you talk must feel like he’s in a never-ending foreign language film.
People are far too trusting of the accuracy of rolled-up coins.
One of parenting’s best moments is getting to break the news to your kid that there is a snow day.
Jobs typically encourage your attendance more than your efficiency.
The entire population of dogs is replaced every 20 years.
There are a few outliers - such as Bobi who lived for a record 31 years - but for the most part, every dog on the planet was not around 20 years ago.
Harry Potter was too emotionally stable to live with a family that hated him.
Bitter is a flavor, an emotion, and a temperature.
There are almost 7 billion smartphones in the world and we have yet to see a truly unexplainable phenomenon caught on video.
We never actually see the world the way it is, but rather the way it was a fraction of a second ago.
You know that a stray cat or dog is human-friendly when it is fat.
The first college students to earn their degrees were taught by people without college degrees.
Many people will make at least 1 million dollars, but having it all at once is what matters.
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