Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Jefferson County Health Department December Snapshot

The Jefferson County Health Department’s mission is to promote good health practices, keep the environment clean, healthy, and safe, and to help people enjoy good health and use resources effectively.

The December snapshot summarizes recent and year to date health department activities of the JCHD. The intent is to share relevant information with our constituents to increase awareness of conditions in the community and department activities.

Reportable Diseases/Conditions of Interest Reported in December:

• Animal bites/Rabies Investigations: 2

• Chlamydia:1

• Chronic Hepatitis C infection: 2

• COVID-19 Cases: 42, including outbreaks/clusters in three care settings with 17 ill.

• Influenza: 43, (Influenza A-40, Influenza B-3)

• Lead, Elevated Blood Level: 2

• Salmonella:1

• Shig-Toxin producing E coli (O157): 1

Investigations/reports occurring this month that did not result in the addition of confirmed cases included 1 syphilis investigation of a previously reported/treated case.

Vaccinations Administered in December: 111 vaccines administered to 92 patients.

Environmental Health Activities Conducted in December:

• Septic Permits Issued: 1

• DEQ Submittals (Lifting of Sanitary Restrictions): 1

• Junk Vehicles Hauled: 5

• Truck Wrecks/Food Involvement: 0

YTD Reportable Diseases/Conditions of Interest:

• Animal Bites/Rabies Investigations Reported: 27

• Campylobacter Enteric Illness: 5

• Chlamydia (Sexually Transmitted Disease): 15

• COVID-19 Cases: 259

• Cryptosporidiosis: 1

• Elevated Blood Lead Level: 3

• Giardia Enteric Illness: 2

• Hepatitis B, Chronic: 1

• Hepatitis C, Chronic: 10

• Influenza: 54

• Legionella: 1

• Orchrobactrum Anthropi: 1

An organism found in the environment and considered an opportunistic pathogen of low virulence in humans. Investigation determined the infection was most likely acquired through a wound contaminated by soil.

• Salmonella Enteric Disease: 4

• Shiga Toxin E. coli (STEC Enteric Illness): 4

• Shigella Enteric illness: 1

• Syphilis, Secondary stage: 1

• Varicella (Shingles): 2

YTD Vaccinations Administered: 1138 vaccines administered to 762 patients.

YTD Outbreaks/Illness Clusters/Significant Public Health Events: COVID Outbreak in a group setting; 11 Outbreaks, 57 ill.

YTD Environmental Health Activities:

• Septic Permits Issued: 92

• Truck Wrecks Involving Food: 8

• Junk Vehicles Hauled/In Yard: 54/155

DEQ Submittals (Lifting of Sanitary Restrictions): 24

Significant Trainings/Activities Conducted or Participated in during December 2023: Mental Health Trainings: 1

Here’s to 2024! Consider beginning the new year by scheduling your preventive health care services such as screenings, vaccinations, and annual checkups. Preventive care reduces your risk for disease and helps to protect your health. Caring for our physical and mental health helps us live longer, healthier lives. If you or someone you care about is in a mental health crisis, call 988 to connect with someone at Montana’s Suicide and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline.

The JCHD works with a variety of partners, including schools and the public and private sector, to protect the health of residents. Activities include investigating reports of communicable disease and significant health conditions, administering vaccines, ensuring the safe operation of licensed establishments, safe distribution of selected consumer goods and compliance with environmental regulations. For more information on this report, the JCHD, or the conditions listed, please contact us at (406) 225-4007.


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