It’s bizarre that cars come with pre-installed cup holders but not phone holders.
U is the only vowel without its own laugh. We have HAHA, HEHE, HOHO, HIHI, but no HUHU.
2024 is already 1% over. Depression has always existed but humans only just realized it.
Dinosaurs existed for a good 165,000,000 years; meanwhile, we’ve only existed for some 300,000.
Q-tips/cotton swab sticks are a million-dollar industry due mostly in part to people misusing the product.
No matter how you pronounce Uranus, someone is gonna this it’s funny.
You forget how much force it takes to walk until you walk into a wall.
There are urinals everywhere, but none are in people’s homes.
Thousands of years after humanity goes extinct, there will be billions of billions of Terabytes of data stored about humanity’s existence scattered around the globe, but no one will be able to access it.
Dolphins are more likely to be the true baddies of the ocean than sharks.
Cows might think humans are weird for having udders on their chests.
You correct autocorrect more than it corrects you.
The brain doesn’t explain its own body’s biology and then complains to itself that it’s not telling itself how it works.
Of all parts of the body, your feet are the furthest from smelly/dirty/messy processes like eating, defecation, or touching other people and animals. Yet they smell worse than anything else.
Unlike the movies where the killer tells their victim their entire plan and motive, in real life people murdered die without knowing why.
Many people live without ever seeing the sea or the ocean.
You can teach a man to fish, but you can’t teach a fish to man.
Anybody can do brain surgery, albeit with different degrees of success.
Based on what’s exposed on mermaids we can tell early seafarers were more boob than bum people.
The art of being a good liar is convincing people that you’re a bad liar.
Al may one day enable the creation of a cattalk (meow) translation app. It’s gonna either be incredible or awful for anyone who uses it.
In the Harry Potter series, most of the teachers at Hogwarts are single.
Saying 1 to 3 is the same as saying 1 2 3.
People spend their whole lives without seeing a monster once, yet we are still terrified of them.
From a safety and privacy perspective, it’s better to win a lesser amount several times when playing the lottery rather than winning the jackpot once.
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