As 2024 begins, we're eager to hear your thoughts and experiences as members of the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce. Your feedback is invaluable and will guide us in shaping an even more vibrant and supportive community in 2024.
Please take a moment to share your insights in our Year-End Member Survey. Your input will help us understand your needs better and tailor our services to serve you more effectively.
We are committed to enhancing your Chamber experience, and your participation is key to our success. Together, let's make 2024 a year of even greater collaboration and success. The Chamber of Commerce is committed to continually growing, expanding, and providing services to our members. Your feedback is crucial as we move forward planning for the future. Thank you in advance for your time. Note: All responses are anonymous. Thank you for being a vital part of the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce. Your voice matters, and we look forward to serving you better in the coming year. Print this page out, fill it in, and drop it off at the Chamber office today!
What is the size of your employee count? (two part-time employees equal one full-time employee)
o 0-5
o 6-10
o 11-25
o 26-50
o 51-100
o 100+
How many years have you been in business?
o Less than 1 Year
o 2 Years
o 3 Years
o 4 Years
o 5 Years
o 6+ Years
Please select from the choices below the reason why your business is a member of the Chamber.
o To improve my business through professional development.
o I appreciate what the Chamber does and its past accomplishments.
o To take advantage of networking opportunities.
o To become more involved in the community.
o To enhance my business credibility.
o It is my civic duty to support the Chamber.
o Other:
How valuable is your Chamber Membership?
o Not Valuable
o Somewhat Valuable
o Valuable
o Very Valuable
What aspects of our services or events do you find most valuable?
I am _____ with the volunteer Board of Directors.*
o Not Satisfied
o Satisfied
o Very Satisfied
I am _____ with the Chamber staff.
o Not Satisfied
o Satisfied
o Very Satisfied
I am _____ with the direction of the Chamber of Commerce.
o Not Satisfied
o Satisfied
o Very Satisfied
I believe the Chamber is a leader in the community.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Overall, the Chamber provides great programs and activities.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
I regularly read the Chamber E-newsletter.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
Are there additional communication methods you would prefer? Please list.
The Chamber provides opportunities for my business to network and grow.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
I feel well-informed about the Chamber.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
I would recommend Chamber membership to another business.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
The Chamber should advocate for businesses when it comes to political issues affecting its members.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
In the last 12 months, how many Chamber events have you attended? (Meetings, Frontier Days, Christmas Festival, etc.)
o 9+
o 5-8
o 1-4
o 0
Are there specific types of events or activities you would like to see more of in the coming year?
How many organizations are you currently involved with, both in the Whitehall area and elsewhere?
Of those organizations, in how many do you hold a leadership role?
Please provide any suggestions to help the Chamber better serve you.
What do you think is the most important issue or concern for your business?
If the Chamber brought in a speaker to better your business, what do you want to hear about? Example: creating a business plan, web marketing, etc. Please list.
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