Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 1/3/2024

A majority of people’s last word of the year is “one.”

Most people’s first word of the year is “happy.”

There are billions of birthdays, but only 365 birthdays.

People who can read minds in fiction rarely take the opportunity to read an animal’s mind.

In 20 to 30 years, nursing homes and assisted living facilities will be playing Gangsta Rap.

100% of people who don’t understand the difference between causation and correlation will die.

One of those songs you listen to might be your pet’s favorite and you have no way of knowing.

Future generations won’t ever have the surprise of accidentally finding old baby pictures.

The second hand of a clock is the third hand of the clock.

Graveyard space is finite; yet somehow, they continue to pay for maintenance without space for new bodies/income.

Darwin Award Winners will never give an acceptance speech.

You can close up and close down, and you can open up - but you can’t open down.

All it’s going to take is for one other species on Earth to become aware of what we’re doing to it and we’re all screwed.

Any country that runs on Dunkin’ is sure to have diabetes.

At least once in our lives, we were so down that we went to bed wishing not to wake up.

Vatican City has a population of 764, and a military of 130 Gendarmes and 135 Swiss guards, making it one of the most militarized states with 34% of the population being soldiers.

Considering how big of a deal it was, it’s really surprising that the moon landing was not a national holiday in the U.S.

Divers that do flips don’t wear flippers and divers that don’t do flips wear flippers.

Silver is Ag, and Ag-ing is when hair turns silver.

Your pet understands your language more than you understand theirs.

Everyone who has an AI Girlfriend also has an indirect relationship with a computer programmer(s) as well.

Living in a city that restricts the use of fireworks without a permit, you quickly realize the lawlessness of neighbors, on New Year’s Eve.

Camera lenses are round but the pictures are rectangles.

Next year the 21st century will be a quarter over.

Dreams are so weird because they are playing a game that we don’t know the rules of and haven’t been paying much attention to.

As image stabilization technology improves, video footage of earthquakes gets worse.

We are all terminal patients in a way... or death row inmates if you prefer that, but we act as if we are immortal.


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