To our pets, with their sensitive sense of hearing, we must sound like a battalion of Stormtroopers as we stomp through our houses.
Be careful around really funny people. They’re funny because they’ve seen shit and developed a defense mechanism..
Being the only sober person among your friends, you can go from having the least fun to having the most fun in a matter of hours.
Most people think things are generally getting worse and yet most people are optimistic about a better future.
All light pollution can disappear in a fraction of a second.
A very famous voice you recognize from a franchise (game, movie, series, cartoon, etc.) sounds different from the voice actor’s perspective.
There’s little more dangerous than a charismatic man with a platform.
Since bones are made of calcium, everyone is a metalhead.
$100 bills are cleaner than $1 bills.
A carrot is 3050 carats, but zero karats.
Humanity went from inventing the car to going to space in a single lifetime.
Printers shouldn’t even have ink cartridges; surely a refillable ink reservoir makes more sense.
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is gradually going to become harder to play.
We’re lucky sound doesn’t travel in space. Imagine if the sun were as loud as it is bright.
There are almost no Christmas presents wrapped in newspaper/comics anymore.
Money doesn’t buy happiness, it prevents misery.
Plants vs. Zombies shouldn’t have any mushrooms.
There’s likely a blind person with a photographic memory.
Breathing is easier done than said.
Someone accused of being toxic often just equates to that persona having disagreed with the accuser.
Vanilla and cinnamon are the salt and pepper of the sweet world.
Not having the buy Christmas presents for anyone is both incredibly relieving and depressing.
Advertising companies are going to make the future ugly and annoying.
There will likely be no more great conquerors like Ghengis Khan or Alexander the Great unless we start conquering other planets.
The cleverness of a story’s character is limited by the cleverness of the author.
Society doesn’t punish mass deception until money is invested.
Handcuffing a deaf person takes away their freedom of speech.
Heaven is a gated community.
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