Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 12/20/2023

Gucci’s target audience is the person who can’t afford Gucci.

The worse inflation gets, the more we sound like our grandparents.

In certain solar systems, you might never live to be a year old.

One day, we’ll all buy a food item with a longer expiration date than us.

Almost everyone has never killed anyone.

Some humans have never experienced the concept of a cold beverage on a hot summer day.

When space travel becomes commonplace we’re going to see some of the flat earthers best work to explain it all.

People with food allergies must be annoyed when a restaurant has a secret sauce.

Putting sweaty socks back on seems more gross than keeping sweaty socks on.

Although it is done in cartoons, smiling with your eyes closed is really weird.

True privacy is being able to be as loud as you want and having no one able to listen.

Animals will never get an intentionally full bladder because they can urinate virtually anywhere.

Oddly, gift cards are priced at their face value. A $100 gift card, for example, limits a person to one place, whereas $100 cash has unlimited purchase potential.

When sleeping on your back, it’s weird to sleep with your knees bent, but when sleeping on your side, it’s weird to sleep with your knees straight.

Rocket science is pretty simple, it’s rocket math that is hard.

Eventually, most of us will get to a point in our lives where we are treated like babies again.

Teeth are one of the only things that humans can get a second chance for when we lose them.


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