Dear Editor,
A quick update from the Jefferson County Commissioner’s latest meetings.
On November 21st the County Commissioners met with the High Plains Architects group via Zoom to discuss the feasibility study on Cottage 5 in Boulder. They showed the projected drawing on the screen and discussed the concept design of the entrance, first floor, and second floor of the building. At the time, High Plains Architects couldn’t provide a solid figure money amount of what the project would cost due to some other factors being taken into consideration but would advise of the cost after the total feasibility study was completed. This building is still being considered for the Jefferson County Health Department’s new location if it is shown to be financially feasible for the County.
On December 5th, members of the Whitehall town Council met with the Commissioners about the possibility of annexing Sugar Beet Row into the town of Whitehall. Currently, the citizens of Sugar Beet Row are connected to the sewer system but not the water. It was greed by both the County and Town of Whitehall that there needed to be a public discussion about this matter.
Therefore, there will be a County Commissioners meeting in Whitehall, which is open to the public. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, at 6 PM at the Borden’s Conference room concerning the annexation.
This will be a good meeting for the citizens of Sugar Beet Row to attend so they may voice their concerns about this matter and whether they are open to or opposed to it.
The Jefferson County Commissioners meeting agenda will be posted in the Whitehall Ledger reminding everyone of the date, time, and place prior to the previous week of this particular meeting.
Jefferson County Commissioner
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