The Library will be closed for Christmas on December 23rd -25th. The Library will be open on Friday for regular hours and on Tuesday for regular hours. The book drop will be emptied during the weekend if patrons wish to return things during the holidays. The Library will be closed on January 1st and open regular hours the rest of the week for New Year’s Day.
There will be no programming between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day as the staff will be busy planning all of the new programs for the winter season. Don’t forget to pick up your book bingo card on January 2nd and read for prizes. The contest will end on April 30, so everyone has plenty of time to finish their cards.
Thanks to one of our marvelous volunteers, the Library now has a list of mystery series and British mystery series to give to patrons. We are working on great reading lists for different genres so readers may check out our most popular books. Mystery readers generally read 4-10 books a month so are always in need of new authors to explore. The Library has mysteries from England, Scotland, South Africa, Ireland, the United States, France, Italy, Botswana, and more. There are everything from cozy mysteries, thrillers, procedurals, and historical mysteries from ancient Rome to modern times.
Historical mysteries cover Victorian London, Israel after the Second World War, and Tudor England, among others. These also include historical figures both real and imagined such as Florence Nightingale, Emily Dickinson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Sherlock Holmes, Cromwell, Roman emperors, and others. Mysteries are often a short read which makes them a fun evening’s entertainment. If you are looking for a quick read, stop by the desk and pick up a list.
Don’t forget to pick up your book bingo card on January 2nd and read for prizes. The contest will end on April 30, so everyone has plenty of time to finish a blackout entry. Each square has a specific type of book to read, for example, "a book with a red cover", "a book written by a Montana author”, or "a book based on a true story," etc. Everyone who finishes two bingos will receive prizes for each of them, and then all patrons who finish a blackout on their card will be put in a drawing for grand prizes. It will be a fun way to keep the winter blues away and enjoy books patrons may not normally read.
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