Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Mark Your Calendars for NOODLES December 29 & 30

Whitehall Community Theatre, brought to you by Gold Junction Presents, is excited to bring its third production to the Star Theatre. NOODLES will be presented on Friday, December 29th at 7 PM, and twice on Saturday, December 30th, at 2 PM and 7 PM. Admission is $5 and donations to help fund future productions are appreciated.

Ned (Jakin Cheuvront) is the 30-ish son of Boo (Sara Cheuvront) and Stu (Kerry Wafer) Boodle whose efforts to introduce girlfriends (Jeannene Armstrong, then Julia McNew) to his family don't turn out very well.

His family is somewhat colorful -his mother is a June Cleaver type at her homiest; his father is pretty clueless, his grandpa (Bill Hildebrandt) manages a cat (rescue) house, and his sister Lulu (Chiara Schober) is a hypochondriac with an equally germ-o-phobic boyfriend, Luke (Tim Schober). Also, there's the ever-helpful Jack (Creed Cheuvront), who resides in a cardboard appliance box in the middle of the Boodle living room, and the neighbor, Mrs. Doodah-Doodah (Terry Chadwick).

But Ned's latest introduction of a lady friend to the family is different. Elaine (Kylee McLaughlin) sees what few others see in the family Boodle. Why? Ned was once a close part of this daffy bunch, perhaps even a little daffy himself at one time. But something has changed him. Can Elaine help? Can Ned help his family cross over into his world? With understated humor, the final scenes just might help you view your own crazed flesh and blood with a knowing smile, a kinder eye, and an open heart. This Whitehall Community Theatre production is directed by Ron Jung, with assistance on set and props from Liz Pullman.

Don't miss this heartwarming play, the perfect compliment to the holiday season and a great kickoff to the new year!


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