Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Knights of Columbus Gift Whitehall, Cardwell Schools with Warmth

The Annual Knights of Columbus Coats for Kids Program is underway in Whitehall! Members of the Knights of Columbus Council 8375 from St. Teresa of Avila parish, Ed Schramm and Jim Stearns, along with Terrie Casagrande, took coats to both the Whitehall School and the Cardwell School this year.

The group's first stop was in Cardwell on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, where we presented the coats to Nola Smith, Resource and ELD of the Cardwell School, and Amy Rogriguez who teaches third and fourth grade in the Cardwell School.

Their second stop was at the Whitehall School main office where Principal Jason Slater gathered the Student Body Presidents to receive the Coats for Kids this year.


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