Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Your Vote Does Count

Dear Editor,

Our country was built on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

It cannot survive the days when the government places itself above the people it governs.

Our representatives that we elect are meant to be just that, OUR representatives. Not Washington's.

The Governor we elect is OUR Governor, not Washington's representative.

If you have any doubts about the wonders of our life under the laws that our forefathers created, look at other countries. Look at the life they have today. Look at the life they have lived in history.

Skim through history. Know what life was like in other countries through the centuries. Learn why people came to this country. Why did they live and die to free themselves of the chains of Rulers?

How can a nation grow so fast as to become a world power that saved nations during two world wars?

In the last few decades, we have watched the steady erosion of our freedoms. In the last two years, we have watched that erosion put on fast track.

Politicians lie. Everybody accepts and expects it. WHY? This administration and those around it have been the worst ever. Our representatives have been the worst ever.

And we vote the same every time.


It starts at home. The town council, the town mayor, and builds from there. Your voting habits affect those around you. Vote with care. Those around you learn from you.

The corruption stops with each and every individual. You are seeing that your vote does count. Let me repeat that.



Whitehall, Montana


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