ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20
Pull together your dream team, Aries, because you are going to need all the help you can get at this point. The week is jam-packed with many different events.
TAURUS Apr 21/May 21
Taurus, now is not the time to employ tough love if a friend or family member comes to you looking for help. You have to keep an open mind and a willingness to assist.
GEMINI May 22/Jun 21
Your clever brain has a lot of creative ideas running through it, Gemini. It’s just a matter of zeroing in on one and then putting a plan into effect. Recruit some friends.
CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22
If you believe and have faith, you will receive what you need this week, Cancer. Your patience finally may pay off in the form of just rewards. Keep your eyes open.
LEO Jul 23/Aug 23
Leo, your desires are limitless and you want things to go exactly how you envision them. However, sometimes you have to make compromises or concessions, like this week.
VIRGO Aug 24/Sept 22
It’s possible you may find refuge in relationships this week, Virgo. Surround yourself with the people closest to you who are pillars of support when you need them.
LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23
Libra, do not put a half-hearted effort into self-care this week. You deserve to pamper yourself to the fullest level right now. Book that spa appointment or getaway.
SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22
You might be caught in a daydream this week, Scorpio, which typically is not your modus operandi. It’s alright to let the brain wander a bit as long as you come back down from the clouds.
Sagittarius, are you able to work from home this week or take some PTO? You likely can use the opportunity to avoid crowds for a while until your energy stores build up.
CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20
People often appreciate your frank way of sharing information, Capricorn. However, this week you may need a little more finesse. Don’t be too blunt when conveying ideas.
AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18
Aquarius, shift your focus from what you lost or missed out on to all of the things you have and enjoy. A simple change of perspective can do a world of good.
PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20
Things could be so much easier if you go with the flow instead of swimming upstream like salmon, Pisces. This is not a battle you want to pick this week.
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