Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

Dear Editor,

A wise man once asked the eternal question, "Why can't we all just get along?" Well, as you know, we're all different, so that might be one way to explain it. How many people do we know, however intimately, who are as different as night and day, yet somehow, they manage to get along, seemingly even, against all odds? If only we could all learn to tap into the source of that happiness, that joy!

Life is all about choice! The reason some people just can't seem to play well with the other kids in the sandbox is that they've chosen one way instead of the other, this instead of that. I have a saying that "we see best in others what we despise in ourselves." This, of course, works the other way around, as, "we see best in others what we love, or honor in ourselves." In other words, the choices we make are most often, if not always, dependent on how we see ourselves!

Let's focus now on our beautiful, quiet little community. As usual, not to mention any names or particular situations, but Whitehall has certainly experienced her fair share of disturbances lately! Again, not to mention any names, for that would probably only serve to exacerbate the issues; if people would just remember the old motto, "United we stand, divided we fall", we would begin to see change for the better!

Change is inevitable! It's also a good thing! The issues become problems when our egos clash and we forget that we are all in this together. When one of us fails, it's inevitable that others will fail too; maybe not right away, but eventually. Change can be painful, but then it all depends on one's perspective! That and choice!

Charles Haddon Shank

Whitehall, Montana


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