Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: The Town Council Wishes It Was All That Simple

Dear Editor,

The Rec Complex and Saddle Club dispute continues to bring confusion. We [the Whitehall Town Council] wish the matter was as simple as Doug Salsbury claims in last week's Ledger editorial, "We (SC) tried working with the town by suggesting to rent them the portable panels for $100 per year."

The WSC drafted a Memorandum of Understanding and it's been narrowed to a second draft but it includes other provisions beyond a simple contract for panel rental which as town council and staff have given us reason to refrain from signing.

Language regarding Rec Complex's pursuit of funding, deadlines with the project, management of the facility, board makeup, and guidelines should not be part of said agreement. Language which covers damages to items or theft is acceptable.

Here are the facts:

Ten months ago, SC members had a problem with the Town's move to create a larger Rec Board, to include many other voices from the community to cast a broader vision for the complex and improvements. SC members contacted various Council members in strong opposition.

A litany of innuendos and accusations have followed i.e. the Town and "new" Rec Board don't want equestrian activities at the complex, the town is going to turn the complex into an RV rental, the town is going to develop the land for housing... All of which is blatant gossip and not the truth. The Town and Rec Board wants to make improvements for more equestrian events, NRA rodeos, and more. Additionally, the vision is to give the ball fields a major facelift which is needed. All of which will benefit our community and valley.

Therefore, the Town would like to bring this matter to a close and move forward. The Town will be submitting a contract to the Saddle Club, there is no interest to confiscate items or litigate the matter. The Town would jump at Mr. Salsbury's offer, in order to hold more events at the Complex as improvements are made.


Whitehall Town Council


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