Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 10/18/2023

That one guy who does voice-over for movie promos must be filthy rich.

Someone is last in line for the British throne.

Getting fat is fun, but being fat is not fun. Getting thin is not fun, but being thin is fun.

None of the villains in The Incredibles movies have powers.

The average person wouldn’t mind doing something until someone told them to do it.

Disabled people are going to become some of our first cyborgs.

People who turn the music up to full volume and force others to listen to it generally have the worst taste in music.

Each year, 8 billion years of human life is experienced.

Protein powder is baby formula for adults.

Friday the 13th is always better than Monday the whatever.

A human can be folded once without causing injury.

Air is the most microwaved thing.

White-collar workers' fear of ChatGPT is similar to how cleaning workers feel about robo-vacuums.

Everything you do is either extending your lifespan or shortening it.

The IRS wins every lottery and jackpot because the winner has to pay half of their winnings to them.

Making vegan food taste like animals is totally fine, but making food taste like human flesh gives uncool cannibal vibes.

Assuming someone is close-minded is, in itself, close-minded.

A physicist who studies the science of carbonation is a fizzissist.

People who write in braille dot their i’s and dot their t’s.

Lint rollers are the only items you keep clean by leaving them dirty.

From birth, we are brainwashed into believing there is always a good guy and a bad guy.

A bad liar's word is more trustworthy than that of someone you think never lies.

The only way to be truly indoors is to be standing in the door frame.


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