Men are trained to never assume a woman is flirting with them. Women are trained to always assume a man is flirting with them.
It’s easy to make everything a conspiracy when you don’t know how anything works.
No one ever dresses up like Santa Claus for Halloween.
When gas inevitably reaches $10+ gallon, most gas stations will need new gas price signs to accommodate that extra digit.
8 generations ago, 128 people having an intimate relationship with another person led to your existence.
You know your life is starting to go downhill when the local fast-food workers know you by name.
No successful person is truly self-made.
Having a great memory makes rewatching shows and movies really boring. It’s not fun when you know every line before it's spoken.
There’s plenty of sour apple-flavored candy, but hardly ever any red apple-flavored candy.
Child actors in rated R movies technically can’t see their own film when it premiers.
Someday you’ll wake up and be the strongest you’ll ever be; you also won’t know it.
Privacy is a privilege that is becoming more expensive.
Nostalgia hits harder as you get older.
There is never any love for the first/top tissue in the tissue box.
Your alarm is your theme song because it is the start of every episode.
People singing Happy Birthday to you feels like a real-life unskippable ad.
At some point in our lives, most of us will have to come to terms with working for people who are significantly younger than we are.
Money cannot fix all of your problems... only 99.9% of them.
Any shoe is a slip-on if you’re lazy enough.
In a bag of popcorn, there is always one kernel that pops first, which is the most popable kernel.
You never get wished a “Merry Birthday.”
Fat babies are cute, but fat adults aren’t.
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