Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Trumpism is Populism at its Worst

Dear Editor,

I recently attended a talk on Democracy at the Mansfield Center at the University of Montana featuring former congresswoman Liz Cheney and former governor Marc Racicot. Despite the self-inflicted chaos and commotion infecting our nation, their overall message was encouraging. Both speakers thought our country would be able to survive these times of conflict and controversy. However, they added that in order for our Democratic Republic to endure, all of us need to play a part in countering those who would tear down our institutions, and move us away from Democracy and toward autocracy. Trump and Trumpism were pretty much the theme and target for the evening. So, what is Trumpism?

Trumpism is populism at its worst. It uses misinformation, false claims of a rigged election, violence, and threats of violence to achieve political goals. Over 60 court decisions rejected these rigged election allegations including a decision by SCOTUS. And of course, we all witnessed the violence of January 6th. The sad part is those in Congress who are promoting these distortions in order to obtain votes, don't believe their own fabrications. Cheney stated that about 99% of congressional Republicans who promote false and deceptive propaganda, flatly reject their own political lies, off the record. She acknowledged that there are a few Republican members of Congress who actually believe the big lies that they are preaching, including one member of Montana's congressional delegation.

As for myself, I do my best to sort misinformation from fact. It is not easy due to deceptive social media tactics rife with half-truths. I don't make decisions, form, and express opinions based on gossip, rumors, guesswork, or conjecture. I refuse to jump on the fantasyland bandwagon which is eroding democratic values. I embrace democracy and reject Trumpism.


Don Lepinsky

Whitehall, Montana


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