Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Jefferson County Democrats Clean Up Along Hwy 69

"Neither cold nor rain can keep us from our work," joked Bryher Herak, Basin, co-chair of Jefferson County Democrats. The group met recently to clean up trash along Highway 69 in front of the fairgrounds south of Boulder. "We Democrats live all over the county but we came together to get this done, and we had a good time doing it!" she said.

About 30 people braved the blustery forty-degree afternoon, donning orange vests and carrying black trash bags, as they picked up items big and small along the highway. The Adopt-A-Highway program of the Montana Department of Transportation program lets groups sign up to adopt a two-mile section of highway by agreeing to pick up trash twice a year.

After the trash pickup, Jefferson County Democrats met at the fairgrounds for a potluck and to hear from candidates for political office. Kevin Hamm, candidate for Congress, and Jesse Mullen, candidate for Secretary of State, spoke about the importance of voting for candidates who will protect Montanan's constitutional rights.

"We were really impressed that so many people showed up ready to work. Since then, we've heard from others who wish they could have been there. We believe in community and giving people a way to give back to this place they love," said Herak. "Watch for next spring's clean up and join us." For more information, contact Herak or go to Jefferson County Democrats on Facebook.


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