Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dr. Daniel Nessim to Visit Cardwell Community Church October 14 & 15

Dr. Daniel Nessim will visit the Cardwell Community Church, located 8 miles South of Cardwell on Hwy 359, on October 14 and 15. Messiah in the Fall Festivals will begin at 5 PM on Saturday, October 14, and will be accompanied with soup and bread. On Sunday, October 15 the event will begin at 11 AM and be followed by one of the Cardwell Community Church's well-known potlucks. All are welcome to attend; admission is free, and a love offering will be received for Chosen People Ministries.

Dr. Daniel Nessim is the son of Jewish parents who also believe in Jesus. His mother is a survivor of the holocaust, having been hidden in Berlin throughout the Second World War. His father was from a Jewish family from Baghdad and Cairo. A few years after his arrival in England in the 1950s, Daniel's father became the first in his family to believe in Yeshua. Daniel has thus had a privilege rarely accorded to Jewish believers in Yeshua, having a heritage of faith in his own family. Thus at the age of seven, Daniel already knew that Yeshua was his Messiah and Lord, and made a decision to accept Him as his Savior.

After the family moved to Vancouver, Canada, where Daniel's father led a mission to the Jewish people, Daniel eventually began a career in the engineering field. Before long, however, he studied for a Bachelor's in Theology from Northwest Baptist Bible College and then went to Regent College for a Master of Arts in Christian Studies. It was shortly after this that Daniel joined Chosen People Ministries, working out of Seattle, WA. After a few years, Daniel and his wife went to England with their son, where they established the United Kingdom branch of Chosen People Ministries. They also planted a Messianic Jewish congregation in the heart of England's Jewish community. Dr. Nessim holds a Ph.D. in Theology and Religion from the University of Exeter (England), having focused his studies on the life of the earliest believers and their beliefs. He is the co-author of Introducing Your Jewish Friend to Yeshua and has also written Derech Yeshua: The Way of Salvation, as well as a Messianic Jewish prayer book.

Daniel is passionately committed to seeing other Jewish people come to accept the Messiahship of Jesus. He believes that there is a great need to "put shoe leather" on the fact that Jewish people can believe in Yeshua and still be Jews. Thus he maintains his own Jewish Lifestyle as a personal commitment while encouraging other Jewish people to accept their Messiah.

Daniel Nessim is a skilled communicator who has spoken extensively in Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Israel. He is now serving among the Jewish people of Washington State and Vancouver, B.C., and teaching in the Messianic Jewish movement. He is available for speaking engagements and interviews, particularly on topics dealing with the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, and their relevance to believers in Jesus today.


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