People have been going to CVS for decades but no one knows what it stands for without looking it up.
Blankets aren’t warm; YOU are warm, blankets just seal in the heat.
Growing up is realizing that Batman definitely takes a ton of steroids.
With more than 8 billion people on planet Earth alone, we are very successful as a species.
In the year 2000, there were people alive who were born in the late 1800s.
With Earth’s helium reserves running out, our grandkids/great-grandkids will likely never have the opportunity to inhale helium and make funny voices.
Bidets have a secret benefit: they make spicy food less daunting.
There are men who like boobs; there are women who like nice forearms. So, in a sense, women who show off cleavage and men who wear t-shirts fall into the same category.
Spinning around until you were dizzy was basically the little kid
version of getting drunk/high.
Many of us think we know how to solve the world’s problems yet can’t solve our own problems.
RING doorbells ruined ding-dong-ditch.
People resent you if you change but seldom are aware that they have changed as well.
The further back in history you go, the easier it was to be considered smart.
All it takes for an average man to realize that most women don’t find him attractive is to download a dating app.
Saying you have a house cat is completely normal but saying you have a house dog seems weird.
In movie chase scenes no one ever steals a car that’s low on gas.
By choosing to be man’s best friend, wolves started the chain of events that led them to become the first animal in space.
It’s crazy that we can see other solar systems in the galaxy just by looking at the sky with our naked eye.
You rarely see dining groups saying grace in restaurants.
Your lungs switch from auto to manual breathing the very moment you realize it.
You like the taste of your own saliva when you eat hard candies.
Stuart Little is the first documented case of a step-sibling getting stuck in the washing machine.
Every word in every language sounded like a made-up word when it was first used.
Apparently, ghosts get to take their clothes with them to the afterlife.
Cowbells must really irritate the cow after a while.
The worse someone is at acting the more obvious it is that they are acting.
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