Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Saddle Club Rejects Rec Board Recommendation, asks for MOU to be Signed

At the September meeting of the Whitehall Town Council, held Monday, September 18, Whitehall Saddle Club (WSC) representative Doug Salsbury stated that the WSC was rejecting the recommendation of the Rec Board to the Town Council to offer the WSC $20,000 (paid in two installments over a two-year period), 5% of the gage fees on town events for 10 years, waived user fees for 10 years, installation/upkeep of a historical marker dedicated to the WSC, and verbiage in the MOU stating the Rec Center will contain a rodeo grounds for the entirety of its lifetime.

Salsbury, who read the below letter, stated that the WSC had an appraisal completed and that the panels alone were valued at $175,000. He, as well as WSC member Lonna Johnson, also noted that the WSC has put over $400,000 into the Whitehall Rodeo Grounds over the last 30 years. Due to this appraisal, they believe the original MOU would get the Town and WSC to a point to discuss an adequate buy-sell agreement.

“The Whitehall Saddle Club is asking the town to sign the final MOU as edited by the town attorney. By approving this MOU it will allow both parties to move forward to plan for the new facility and to schedule upcoming equine events.

“If the council accepts this MOU and the list of equipment and properties as is, the Town will benefit when filling out grants. Anything can then be donated by the WSC to the Town and will work as an in-kind match for grants. This would include all items attached physically, such as the warmup arena, office/cows next, and cover for grandstands. This will give the Town the first match of its grant applications and will strengthen its position in competitive grants.

“WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to detail procedures to ensure the Project is executed smoothly and in accordance with the grant and fundraising plan as developed by the Town; the WSC will leave the Property at the Complex for the term of the MEmorandum; the Town will pay to the WSC an annual sum of $100, payable by July 1st of each year; the Town will pursue sufficient funding for the Project and implement a strategy to replaced or purchased the Property.

“We have stated in the past that once the MOU is signed by all parties then we can move towards an MOA and/or a buy-sell agreement. If the Town Council decides to move forward with the Rec Board’s motion, the WSC will decline that offer, and as such, we see no reason to continue negotiations and will be removing our personal equipment and portable properties. All benefits of in-kind matching disappear as you will just be assuming ownership of any attached property,” the letter read by Salsbury stated. The letter was signed by WSC Board members Johnson, Salsbury, Jeff Frink, Dave Cole, and Bridge Morse.

Councilwoman Pat Peterson noted that a “who owns what” list has still never been provided and that she refused to approve anything until that was completed. Councilman Shawn Hoagland added that this was the first time an actual appraised value had been given and that he felt things were finally moving forward.

The Council did neither sign the MOU nor approve the Rec Board’s recommendation and instead tabled the issue to allow the WSC time to provide an itemized list of who owned what, what the WSC appraised value was, and present once again to the Rec Board and Council.


• Business licenses were approved for Ronsberg Music Studio and Ronsberg Lawn Care.

• TIFF Board recommendations to approve funding for a boulevard sprinkler system by Reed’s 4-Plex units were approved, as well as funding for a fire suppression system in the Whitehall Community Center.

• Annexations of the properties known as “Sacry Property”, “HMC Real Estate Property”, “Hunt Property”, and “MLM Investments Property” (all near Meadowlark Manor) were approved.

• The Town Hall will be closed on October 9th in observance of Columbus Day.

• The Town will be interviewing for a new Deputy Clerk as Jennifer Beebout’s last day was September 15.

• Concrete for horseshoe pits will be poured on September 29; the playground will be installed in the first weeks of October.

• Public Works Kory Klapan stated that DEQ sent final approval for the water treatment facility; the project will go out to bid this month.

• The next Town Council meeting will be held Monday, October 23 at 7 PM.


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