I really love the fact that the children and young adults who come into the Library get along, no matter if they are homeschooled, private schooled, or public school. It is fun to watch them interact and share information about what they are doing, studying, and participating in outside of the school day. All Library programs are open to anyone who wants to participate, and this gives families from every type of education a chance to mingle and make new friends. That being said, the two homeschool roundup groups met last week and are planning a History Fair for the middle and high school-aged students. If you are a homeschooler and love history, this is the group for you. They are also planning speakers, career programs, and more. The younger group is working on art projects, science explorations, and other projects for K-5th graders.
Tuesday nights continue to be busy with both the Traveling Road Show appraisals from 5 PM to 7 PM - Last week we had teacups and a tea set from the early 1940s show up - as well as Karen Goff’s Master Your Cash classes at 6 PM. Both programs will continue through September.
We have a new group of Knitters meeting at the Library on Tuesdays from 1 PM to 3 PM upstairs in the adult section of the Library. Anyone is welcome to come and join them in finishing projects, starting projects, or asking for advice.
There will be a Friends of the Library meeting on Thursday, September 14th at 5 PM. They will be planning for the Fall and the Christmas Festivals. If you would like to join the Friends, just come to the meeting, and join the fun.
Pokemon Club is starting up again and all players can attend every Friday at 2 PM. A.J. is once again starting games for both the younger players and the teens. Don’t forget to bring your playing cards to start a game or trade with others.
The Rockhounding Group will meet on September 18th at 5:30 PM. This once-a-month meeting is for anyone who wants to share their interest or collections of rocks, gems, minerals, or fossils. They have guest speakers, go on field trips, share information, and generally have a great time sharing their passion for geological treasures.
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