The ongoing project of the Whitehall Murals Restoration is still alive and vibrant! This year the murals at the Rocky Mountain Bank and the Billsgary Center (K-Bar) buildings will be replaced this fall. It is expected that both murals will be replaced before the good weather ends either in late September or early October. The new murals will be very similar to the previous murals although some changes have been made to make them more historically connected to the Lewis and Clark Journals and more vibrant in color.
One change from the original murals will be the quotations from the Lewis and Clark Journals. Originally, these quotations were done in beautiful, artistic calligraphy, however, as the murals faded, so did the artistic calligraphy. The murals at Jefferson Fresh Foods, Rocky Mountain Bank, and K-Bar will have new vibrant signage similar to the signage that is used at Lewis and Clark Caverns and state fishing accesses.
Of course, as the murals progress, unintended expenses occur beyond previously budgeted expenses. We all have been exposed to inflation and increases in materials. The Mural Restoration project has always been beautifully financially supported by the Whitehall community and it is hoped that support will continue as in the past. Those wishing to make a financial contribution should make their check payable to JVCF and write Murals in the memo line. Financial contributions can be left at the Whitehall Community Library or the Whitehall Chamber.
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