Dear Editor,
I watched the Town Council meeting on the TV and heard a brief comment about the horseshoe pits being taken out to make room for a children's playground along Legion Street (MT Hwy 2).
Legion Street is a major route through town. Did the town get permission from Rail Link and also from the MT Department of Transportation to place a children's playground next to the highway?
If a playground is put next to the highway, then what comes next – a fence to protect the children? Who will monitor the children at the playground or their conduct close to the highway?
Who will monitor the kids getting out of cars on Legion Street, as you can't have any assigned parking? Semis park along that area daily.
It seems like the Mayor and Town Council want the Saddle Club out of the Rec Complex and more activities to happen there.
Perhaps the children's playground could be more safely placed at the Rec Complex, west of the Saddle Club clubhouse. More adequate parking is available there and children using the playground don't have to get out of cars on the busy highway, Legion Street.
The horseshoe pits that were recently renovated have been removed for this playground. How soon will they be replaced and where will they be located? Will users have to wait until Frontier Days next summer to use them?
Who at the Town Hall is up at night thinking up some of these dumb ideas? If you can't fully fund a project, don't propose it.
Tom Jenkin
Whitehall, Montana
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