Dear Editor,
There's no question that Big Pharma needs to be exposed and taken down-even if it must be done one small step at a time. This is why I am urging our Senators in D.C. to pass the bipartisan Affordable Prescriptions for Patients Act of 2023. This bill does incredible work to expose Big Pharma tactics that manipulate consumers and have led to skyrocketing prices.
Big Pharma has continuously spent more on fancy, targeted advertising campaigns on already available medication and prescriptions than they have on research and development. The lack of effort they have put forth to develop alternative and natural remedies has led to a 200% price increase in prescriptions in the past decade. That's an estimated $40.7 billion that is being charged to consumers, all while Big Pharma continues to block out their competitors and take advantage of those who are just trying to afford their medications.
Montanans deserve better and the Prescriptions for Patients Act is a definitive first step to bringing down Big Pharma monopolies and freeing the pharmaceutical markets. I urge Senator Daines and Senator Tester to vote in favor of the Prescriptions for Patients Act to expose Big Pharma's egregious tactics and protect Montana consumers.
Bob Wagner
Harrison, Montana
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