Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

JeffCo Health Department Update

September is National Preparedness Month. Nationwide, the month of September serves as a reminder for each of us to be prepared for disasters or emergencies. Every community can prepare to be ready to respond to an emergency whether it is an infectious disease outbreak, a chemical release, or a natural disaster. We, as individuals, can also become better prepared for personal emergencies or hazards.

The goal of National Preparedness Month is to encourage individuals and families to take proactive steps in planning for potential hazards, such as natural disasters, severe weather events, or other emergencies. During National Preparedness Month, Jefferson County Public Health encourages you to participate in becoming better prepared by actively engaging in some essential elements of preparedness. Implementing the following ideas can help secure your home and family while contributing to our community's resilience.

Emergency preparedness starts with each of us. Below are three simple steps to becoming better prepared.

1. Make a Plan: Your family may not all be in the same place when an emergency happens. How will you communicate? Where will you meet? What are the specific needs of your family? Make a plan, practice your plan, and adapt your plan as your family’s needs change. Visit for more information.

2. Build an Emergency Kit: A supply kit with basic family needs is essential when preparing for an emergency. Keep your kit maintained by rotating supplies regularly. Check out the supply list provided by

3. Be informed: You can receive important emergency alerts by registering for CodeRED by ONSOLVE for general and emergency no2fica2ons. This service is offered through Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office and Jefferson County Disaster and Emergency Services. CodeRED is free and available to all Jefferson County residents. Time-sensitive and/or emergency information can be sent to you via phone calls, text messages, emails, the CodeRED app, and social media. Register at the provided link or contact the Jefferson County Health Department for assistance in signing up.

Embrace the spirit of this awareness month. Preparing yourself and your family allows for peace of mind and the ability to strengthen your community. Get involved. Donate blood, take a CPR class, or volunteer in the community. Simple steps can help build a stronger, more resilient future for yourself and Jefferson County.


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