Dear Editor,
It's that time of year again - Spring Cleaning! We ladies at the Whitehall Country Store love your gently used, folded, clean clothing.
Thank you so much for taking the time to sort through your donations.
We accept working, clean appliances. Please take your filthy non-working appliances to the dump. We know the dump charges for certain items, but if you dump them off at the Country Store, then we have to pay to dispose of them, spending our money on your junk, instead of giving back to our community.
A few other items we would just as soon you wouldn't donate are nasty urine-stained mattresses and clothing covered in poop, puke, or dog hair. We can't sell these items, but we still have to touch them, then throw them away.
We are short-staffed and are mostly older women who don't have the strength to haul couches, washers, and dryers to the dump.
Thank you,
The Whitehall Country Store
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