Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 6/28/2023

We dress up for people we want to be undressed with.

Kids are much more accepting of other people than adults are.

Comparing an animal’s intelligence with a kid's age sounds cool, but comparing a kid's intelligence with certain animals sounds awful.

It’s a good thing we can’t hear our eyeballs move inside their sockets.

People care more about animals than humans in games and movies.

Every big city has had a point in its history where there was only one high-rise in the entire city and it must’ve looked super awkward.

Paper cuts will become increasingly less common in the future.

Most car-chasing scenes in movies are using manual transmission cars, because the shifting gear is part of the action.

Finding out you have the same birthday as someone makes you like them more for no reason.

Nothing can be truly vegan, because animals and insects help spread pollen and seeds.

Most awkward people are only awkward because they are so concerned about being awkward that they become awkward.

There were dinosaur fossils when dinosaurs were still around.

Your accent is your voice’s font.

There might be one specific key that unintentionally unlocks two or more locks anywhere in the world.

It’s impossible to tell speed if in absolute darkness and there’s nothing to use as reference.

Every heartbeat is a reminder of the body’s silent symphony, where every organ is an instrument playing its part, unappreciated until one goes out of tune.

The needle of a compass isn’t moving, you are.

For those who believe dreams are portals to other worlds, most worlds must be pretty disastrous for kids knowing that they have more nightmares than adults.

Jumping is a major mechanic in video games of all genres, but it is almost never actually used in real life as an adult.

There are no signs saying you cannot Rollerblade through airport terminals.

When someone does a good job of repairing something of yours, you hope to never use their services again.

Because of the invention of CGI, lots of movies from 80 years ago have aged better than movies from 30 years ago.

You can simply step outside to stare at the sun for two minutes and blind yourself permanently.

When you paint your skin blue, people either think you’re a Smurf or Avatar.

Given the number of people you walked by, there's a high chance that someone you liked, liked you back.


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