Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Just Ask Georgia: 6/21/2023

Georgia, I have a question,

My neighbor has been getting several packages per day. If I switch our address plates just temporarily so that I get one of the packages and can inspect it, can I be held liable?

Curiosity Killed the Cat


WTH is wrong with you? Your neighbor’s packages are none of your business! Inspect it? Inspect it for what? Something illegal? Wait, maybe you should call your local police department and tell them that because your neighbor gets packages, he must be a criminal. It’s always good to warn the local cops about who the nut jobs in the community are.

With love, Georgia

Georgia, I have a question,

Since he was 13 years old, my son has had to pay a daily parenting fee to live with my husband and me. Now, he is 18 years old, has moved out, and refuses to pay these fees. How do I punish him? Can I sue him for back-parent support?

Moneyless Parent

Dear Moneyless,

I’m sorry...what? You’ve been forcing your child...your pay you rent since he was THIRTEEN? What kind of parent does such a thing? And no, you can’t sue him for back payments for parent support because there is NO SUCH THING! Grow up and leave your child ALONE!

With love, Georgia

Have a question for Georgia? Email her at

Please note: this column is just for fun. No person, animal, or property has ever been harmed or in danger. Satire is “the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.”


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