Have you ever wondered what murders and mysteries lay unsolved in the Whitehall area? Arlene Weber of the Jefferson Valley Museum will be at the Library on Thursday, June 22, at 6 PM to share a great night of historical mysteries and mayhem. This program is for families, adults, and anyone who delights in local history.
The History Book Club is meeting at their regular time on Monday, June 26, at 6 PM. Our history buffs will be discussing great events of history and the books that detail them. Anyone adult or teen is welcome to come and join this group of history fans. The group will be picking out books for the rest of the summer to discuss so now is your chance to join and share your favorite historic time period selections.
Next week our Summer Reading Program will have a great time putting together detective kits. Each child will have a chance to gather up all the things every good detective needs to solve the case: evidence bags, secret writing notebooks and pens, crime scene tape, magnifying glasses, and more. We will be discussing how each of these items is used in crime solving and how clues come together to solve the case.
For our teens, next week we will host Middle Teen Madness. It will be an evening of games, snacks, and fun for anyone 12 years of age or older. If there is good attendance, we will consider putting it on the calendar on a regular basis.
The Library will be closed on the Fourth of July for the holiday. We will be open the rest of the week for our regular schedule. The source of our free lunches will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, July 3rd and 4th, so there will be no lunches on those two days. The lunch program will be running until July 27 th when the summer reading program ends.
If you are planning a vacation and need something to read, don't forget the Friends of the Library book sale. The basement is full of children's books, paperbacks, and hardbacks for sale at the incredibly low price of 10 cents a paperback and 20 cents a hardback. There is no limit to the number of books you can buy so stop by and stock up on your favorite authors to take on vacation with you.
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