Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Whitehall Garden Club News: June

On an almost "Spring" day, the WGC met for their June meeting at Borden's conference room. The Social Half-Hour was hosted by Kathy Hatch and Maureen Dawson (and if this reporter wasn't so focused on eating, she would have remembered to take a picture!). The morning treats were just that...a real treat... including a delicious egg bake, fresh fruit salad, and a scrumptious homemade rhubarb cake, albeit the rhubarb was from Butte, none available yet in Whitehall. What a wonderfully fresh and delicious way to start the morning.

The presentation by Mary Baughn and Kathy Hatch discussed "how to present a flower arrangement to the Jefferson Co. Fair" was very informative. Having the "schedule" handy, makes it easy to follow the rules and designations specifically necessary in order to enter for a prize ribbon. The "Schedule' has all the information that is needed to properly enter a flower arrangement. (contact the Ext. Office for copies of the "Schedule") For instance, your arrangement must come from flowers, plants that you have grown, not store-bought. The "schedule" tells you about the vase size/ type; are you going to enter a traditional or creative design as the judges look for certain criteria and please remember the 3X5 index card in the front of your arrangement, detailing your design. Kathy and Mary used homegrown flowers as samples of keeping the flowers fresh longer, how to prep flowers regaling us with a sad story of how one little teeny tiny spider hiding in the petals of an otherwise absolutely perfect peony, lost the chance for 1st Prize, so watch those bugs!!

Thanks, Mary and Kathy for letting us know that everyone can enter the Jefferson Co. Fair for flower arrangements and enjoy the thrill of the competition.


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