Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana


Hiking and camping season is upon us. People come from every state just to camp and hike in Montana. Our woods are bountiful and amazing. But when you go hiking and camping you are plagued by bloodsuckers called ticks. Sometimes you get one or two ticks on you and sometimes even more. I found ticks pairs very well with a peanut butter sandwich and are high in protein.

The tricky part of this recipe is catching the ticks. Worst, you could get Lyme disease. You could hike thru the woods and wait for them to latch on to you, but this method is slow and sometimes you get nothing. So I like to put tape around my ankles and hands. As you put the tape on you make it so the sticky part of the tape is on the outside. This will make the ticks stick to the tape and they are now located in one area.


30-50 ticks

Peanut butter




1. Catch ticks and then burn them with the lighter until they no longer move.

2. Spread the peanut butter onto two pieces of bread then sprinkle on the ticks.

Bon appetit!! PS...these recipes are not verified, but if you give them a try, please let us know how they go!


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