Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Richards Hired as Boulder Elementary Superintendent

On Friday, May 19, Butte native Doug Richards was hired as the new superintendent/principal of Boulder Elementary, taking the place of Jeff Elliott, who announced his resignation in February.

Richards, who previously worked as principal and a shop teacher at Whitehall High School, currently serves as principal for the Resources for Educating Alaska's Children at Home (REACH) Academy in the Alaska Gateway School District in Tok, Alaska, was one of nine applicants for the position.

The Boulder Elementary Board finalized agreements with Richards during a special Zoom board meeting on Friday, May 19. He begins on July 1. Board Chair Carrie Harris said she is thrilled to have Richards as the school's new administrator.

"[Richards] enthusiastically conveyed that he cares about the kids first and foremost and that their education and well-being are his number one priorities," Harris told The Monitor.

Although he's taught in Colorado, several locations around Alaska, and several in Montana, Jefferson County is still where Richards and his wife call home. He said he can't wait to get back to the area and start his new position.

"I'm really encouraged by the attitudes of the teachers," he said. "I love seeing people stay positive, especially around the children. They are the priority, and I can tell the teachers at Boulder Elementary take this to heart."

Richards said he will be in town soon enough to make introductions at the June 12 Boulder Elementary board meeting. Although anxious to start, Richards said he is going to ease into the transition. He said he looks forward to listening to the board and faculty. It is his intention to be an advocate for his staff.

"I'm not a micromanager," he said, "and I know I've got some big shoes to fill. I'm going to learn a lot about what's been successful and I want to be part of that team to move things forward, to stay ahead."

Richards said he knows there will be challenges with the superintendent role, especially when it comes to growth. Growth often requires expansion, which he knows has already been discussed as a possibility for Boulder Elementary. Richards welcomes this growth and wants to do everything he can to be prepared.

Such growth goes beyond the elementary school, Richards said. This is a community-wide obstacle, and he looks forward to working with the people of the community. He is excited to work with the community leaders and other school administrators, as well as the parents.

But what Richards said he looks forward to the most is working with the children.

"I can't wait," he said. "Working with the homeschool program here in Alaska has been really different for me. I rarely see the children, so getting an opportunity to be with them every school day will be wonderful."

Harris said she's encouraged by Richards in part because "he sees that we have a great staff and program in place and wants to learn from the existing staff about our curriculum and continue to build on all the good things we have established."

Nevertheless, Harris said it's sad to see Elliott go.

"It has been such a pleasure working with [Elliott] the past couple of years," she said. "Not only does he love the kids but he has a wealth of knowledge in the administrative role of superintendent, which makes board oversight of the school environment very enjoyable."

Boulder Elementary Business Manager Britton Mann said she's also going to miss Elliott and similarly has a good feeling about Richards.

"I have thoroughly enjoyed working with [Elliott] over the past two years," Mann told The Monitor. " It is very sad to see him go, however, I wish him happiness and success in his retirement. I look forward to meeting and working with Mr. Richards. His personality reminds me a lot of Mr. Elliott so I anticipate a great working relationship."

Elliott, a Boulder native, said it's bittersweet to leave. He was once a student at Boulder Elementary. His mother, Shirley Elliott, was his third-grade teacher.

"Boulder is a special place and always will be for me and my family," he said. "I grew up here and was lucky enough to be the principal, even if it was for a short period of time."

Elliott will end his tenure as principal/superintendent at the end of June. He will be available to "help as needed" afterward.

Although it's hard to say goodbye, Elliott said he feels good about Richards taking his place.

"Mr. Richards will be a great addition to BES," he said. "His demeanor and experience will allow our amazing staff to continue the great work that they do on a daily basis. The teachers here are incredible and willing to do whatever it takes to ensure Boulder kids are successful."


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