Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Second Mural Update in the Works at Town Hall

Following the successful creation and placement of the beautiful mural at Jefferson Fresh Foods the Whitehall Mural Restoration Project is moving forward strongly in 2023! At this point, it is expected that this year the faded murals at Rocky Mountain Bank and the Billsgary(K-Bar) building will be removed and new vibrant murals will replace them. This repainting and reconstruction is currently underway and progress has been dramatic. The Murals Project would like to sincerely thank Mayor Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh and the Town of Whitehall for again allowing our group to use space to create and finish mural panels!!

The murals that have been and will be replaced will have new permanent signage that will show pertinent excerpts from the Lewis and Clark journals to replace the artistic and creative calligraphy which over time has sadly also become faded and mostly illegible.

At the beginning of the project, we were completely without funds and operated on the faith that the Whitehall Chamber-sponsored project would be supported by community contributions. Our faith was rewarded by overwhelming community support which completely covered all the costs of creating and putting in place the beautiful twelve-panel mural at Jefferson Fresh Foods. For 2023’s project we are beginning with a much stronger financial position due to a number of strong contributions over the winter, unfortunately, the cost of supplies and materials has increased over time and financial support would be welcome.

To make a tax-deductible contribution please write your check to JVCF and write murals in the memo. The Mural Restoration Project thanks and appreciate all for your interest and support!!


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