Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Connecting Point: Who's Watching Us

As technology has advanced, I’ll be the first to admit distrusting the so-called “Cloud”, the online system that saves my pictures, documents, and more on a server in Butte, Bozeman, Seattle, Washington, Sacramento, California, or Dillon, just to make the point. A friend of mine recently told me that he deleted some files on his computer, not knowing that everything was deleted on his entire cloud account—a major hassle. I’m all for files being saved; however, I’m a yard leery of others, namely hackers, getting my personal data and information. Honestly, I’m still up in the air on this matter.

I lead with that thought as I’m reviewing Hebrews 12, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he

endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart,” (Hebrews 12:1-3).

Who are these “witnesses” and what is the scope of their ability to watch us? We need to keep in this mind this style of writing is imagery rather than a factual example of the previous chapter’s “hall of faith” group. In ancient Greek, "nephos" is the word for cloud, meaning a troop or throng of persons. Again, a reference at that time, not only to the “hall of faith” group but also to many others who honored God as their life purpose. We need to be careful in drawing the conclusion that people in heaven can see everything transpiring on earth, that distinction only belongs to God himself. If this notion were true that believers in Jesus who are now in “heaven” due to physical death witness all that occurs here there would be tears or worry, literally no peace in heaven. Painful and shameful things occur here on earth which would be disheartening.

It’s my viewpoint that the idea of the “cloud of witnesses” is intended to simply encourage believers as they persevered through difficult times. We understand that others before us have preserved despite persecution and hardship, and we are lifted. We stand taller.

The author then provides us with some of the best advice about dealing with hindrances and sin. Remember a hindrance isn’t always necessarily a sin. One, we should throw any hindrance or a sin off because they “entangle” us. As we are distracted in our pursuit of following Jesus, we become ineffective in reaching spiritual goals and purposes, sometimes to the level of discouragement.

Two, we are to fix our eyes on Jesus. Why? Because he persevered and is the best example of tenacity. William Barclay, author and Bible scholar, described endurance as “It is a determination, unhurrying and yet undelaying, which goes steadily on and refuses to be deflected.”

When you have one of those days when you “lose heart,” please remember other martyrs for Christ, they too stood strong. Most importantly, remember Jesus! Jesus most definitely is watching over us and still loves us!


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