The Whitehall community pool will open on June 12 based on the weather and close on August 19th. They will be closed Sundays with the availability of private parties by reservation. Hours will be 1 PM to 8 PM. Time slots for lessons will be 10 AM-12 PM. Lesson starting date has not been determined at this time.
The water treatment project is waiting for DEQ approval. Once approval is given to proceed, the Town will start the bidding process. Once the Town accepts a bid, the project will start moving faster.
New playground equipment has been delivered; installation will take place after Frontier Days. Horseshoe pits and sprinkler heads will have to be moved. Landscaping within the playground area, as well as a perimeter fence, will be built. The Town is looking at implementing this project in the fall.
New galvanized trough planters will be going in Legion Park this spring. The Council is hoping they will last longer than the old wooden planters.
Whitehall’s second mural restoration/recreation is being worked on in the Town Hall garage. This will replace the current mural at Rocky Mountain Bank. Whitehall artist Kit Mathers is doing a great job. This is a Whitehall Chamber of Commerce project.
Head Start kids will help replace a dead tree in Legion Park in the next week, using one of the Arbor Day trees.
Whitehall High School graduating Class of 2023 banners will be going up on Whitehall Street this week. Congratulations to graduating seniors!
The Meadowlark Manor/Sacry Annexation sewer and water line hookups will be open for bid Thursday, May 11 at 3 PM. The town will be annexing Meadowlark Manor, three houses, and eleven vacant lots. The Council will entertain the bids at the next scheduled Council meeting.
Sidewalk projects are ongoing. Within school property, the Whitehall Tax Increment Finance District (TIFF) has funded sidewalk work.
Whitehall had a successful Spring Clean Week. The Town and Town Council would like to thank the WHS students, teachers, and many other volunteers for all their help; it was great working with all of you with the community coming together in a common goal.
The carseat giveaway on March 31st was a great success. A grant from Town Pump bought the car seats. The Montana Highway Patrol and the Town of Whitehall hosted the Car Seat Safety Day, with MHP helping recipients learn to properly install their new safety gear. There are two infant and one toddler seat still available at the Town Hall.
The Town Council has had two budget workshops, with another scheduled for June 10, 2023.
Remember, your Town Councilors are here for YOU; reach out to us for any questions you may have.
Ward 1: Pat Peterson 406-438-3077
Ward 1: Bill Lanes 406-490-0893
Ward 2: Katy James 406-431-4149
Ward 2: Linda Jung 406-490-9531
Ward 3: Roy McBride 406-490-3251
Ward 3: Shawn Hoagland 406-491-3435
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