Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 5/3/2023

People who are brutally honest seem to always get more satisfaction out of the brutality than the honesty.

There’s no reason we cannot drink any type of beverage with a mug, except mere aesthetics.

Once A.I. videos get perfected, criminals can claim that the footage evidence is A.I. generated.

Since self-service checkouts invariably require a staff member to authorize stuff, they aren’t really self-service at all, they’re just bad service.

Almost every insect in your life you will only see once.

The fact that we haven’t evolved longer and slimmer fingers to really get that inner ear itch, or that spot in the middle of your back, is deeply annoying.

It really backfired on peppers that they evolved to be spicy so they wouldn’t be eaten.

At some point in life, you stop worrying that your favorite authors will die before finishing a series and start worrying that you will.

A.I. generated art is a lot like our dreams… you get the general idea but the small details are slightly off.

We spend the first half of our lives trying to grow up and the second half of our lives trying to stay young.

Only 8,000 generations have passed since the first emergence of humans.

Odds are that many nonjudgmental people are not enlightened or kind, but just don’t care.

It’s mind-boggling to think that the human brain, which weighs only about three pounds, has the capacity to hold all of our memories, thoughts, and emotions. It’s no wonder we sometimes feel overwhelmed.

It’s likely that we’ve been unknowingly captured in someone else’s photo at some point in our lives, without ever realizing it.

Pringles are the chicken nugget of potato chips.

A good partner can still be a bad person.

The last person alive will be the least known historical character.

In the near future, we will have to ask A.I. bots how to write a good resume to apply for a job that requires working with A.I. bots.

People will gush about the person they’re dating, then act like they were never happy with them when they break up.

Many people who use cotton swabs to clean their ears know that it's bad for them but still do it just because it feels good.

You can never truly own property. The authorities will evict you if you ever stop paying the government.

Fire hydrants are actually a pretty incredible piece of infrastructure when you take a second to think about it.

Combination locks are actually permutation locks.


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