Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 4/26/2023

Pulled pork is pulled apart, therefore, sausages are pushed pork.

It’s simultaneously ironic and sad that so many teachers are terrible with children.

Mountain Dew and Sierra Mist taste very different for two things that are named after the same thing.

‘Number’ is often abbreviated as ‘No.’ despite not having the letter O in it at all.

In Star Wars, the guys who won brought swords to gunfights.

It’s more important to get your health right for retirement than get your money right.

Every single human ever is living in their own delusional reality.

We can enjoy the feeling of finally going to bed or the moments after we wake up, but we can’t enjoy sleeping itself.

Hating on all of humanity is considered more acceptable than hating on a certain community which is a subset of humanity.

Sending a balloon into the sky is actually littering.

Maybe we are all just a figment of someone else’s imagination, living in a reality that is not actually our own.

Talking to your pets is weird but not talking to your pets is weirder.

Modern medicine is indirectly the largest contributor to the destruction of our ecosystem.

Speeding tickets only hurt poor people.

There is nothing as simultaneously satisfying and disappointing as figuring out a big twist long before you’re supposed to.

Telling your wife you think her sister is hot is a bad idea unless she has an identical twin.

A practitioner of music is a musician, a practitioner of magic is a magician, but a practitioner of art is not an artician.

Order is order for orderly people, but for disordered people, disorder is also order.

The same water that you sip to survive can choke you, drown you, crush you completely and rip you into small pieces.

Pushing for a low paying job to pay you higher wages is akin to being in a crappy relationship and asking your partner to treat you better.

The longer a device can go between charges, the more likely the charger is to become lost.

In Sci Fi movies the prevalence of indoor smoking dates them more than any of the outdated technology does.


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