Georgia, I have a question,
What is the difference between an admirer and a stalker? The girl I am in love with told me I’m a creepy stalker but I don’t think I qualify as that description.
Somewhere In-Between
Dear In-Between,
If someone thinks you are a “creepy stalker” you have crossed that line from an admirer. You are no longer making the object of your “love” feel safe and therefore should stop immediately. Apologize, learn from your actions, and move on.
With love, Georgia
Georgia, I have a question,
How does one describe “nothing?” Is it even possible?
Without Words,
Dear Without,
I, too, am without words. Great question.
With love, Georgia
Georgia, I have a question,
Do birds sometimes intentionally poop on people? Do they aim their poops at targets? There is so much more poop on my car in the spring - they do it on purpose, I swear!
Tired of the Poo
Dear Poo,
While it definitely feels like we are more targeted this time of year, no, birds don’t have a targeting system geared toward newly-washed vehicles. Though their aim seems to be impeccable, doesn’t it!?
With love, Georgia
Georgia, I have a question,
Who is affected more by a breakup, the boy or the girl?
Breaking Up
Dear Breaking,
The one who is still “in love.”
With love, Georgia
Have a question for Georgia? Email her at
Please note: this column is just for fun. No person, animal, or property has ever been harmed or in danger. Satire is “the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.”
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