Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana
Dear Editor,
Not wanting to ruffle any feathers, I would like to comment on the proposed ruling in Whitehall, limiting the number of domestic chickens.
First, that is a poultry (paltry) number. Chickens do not lay every day, so a homeowner may not get many eggs from a few birds.
Furthermore, I don't know of anyone opposed to chickens in Whitehall. Who eggzactly is complaining? And who hatched this proposal?
What is the pecking order for ordinances in Whitehall? I honestly think the City has more important things to do than scratch for fine money from chicken owners. Sounds like fowl play to me.
Please chick out the facts before continuing through with this issue:
* Very few homes have chickens
* No one is complaining
* Chickens cause no harm
* Only a few chickens is very restrictive
Just winging it,
Sue Pasini
Boulder, Montana
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