Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 4/19/2023

People are impressed by the uniqueness of snowflakes but potatoes are equally unique and no one cares.

Given pay rates, humans clearly value entertainment over necessity.

It’s ridiculously easier to ruin your life than to improve your life.

At some point in their life, anyone born on 6/06/06 has to consider if they were destined to become the Antichrist.

People with one leg amputated double their number of useful socks, but with both legs amputated the number drops to zero.

It’s a shame that if a negative person meets another negative person they don’t become positive together.

Our hard-working belly buttons slowly harvest clothing fibers for us all day only for us to ungratefully throw it away.

The internet has devolved from a platform for the exchange of information and ideas to an exchange of opinions and insults.

Life never gave us lemons. We crossbred them using a bitter orange and a citron.

Your past self is the cringiest person you know.

It’s always daytime on the sun.

Almost everyone knows their star sign, but relatively few know their blood type.

As a celebrity becomes more popular, the less special/unique you become as a fan.

Brunch was invented by people that needed an excuse to have a drink before noon.

When you work out, you intentionally hurt yourself, just to make it harder to hurt yourself.

When you take the last trash bag from its box, they swap places.

We are brainwashed way more than we think.

Even if you are one in a million, there are still thousands of others like you.

Being an adult is having the freedom to have all the treats you weren’t allowed to as a kid, but not caring to anymore.

Everyone’s always talking about whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie, but no one ever says that about Lethal Weapon.

Artificial grass is a rare example where the plastic-based solution is considered more sustainable than the natural one.

We really lucked out that stranger rhymes with danger.

A lot of songs are more important to certain people than they are to the artists who wrote them.

Domesticated animals have really just domesticated their owners.

Dreams are the most graphically advanced cut-scenes.

Most “Western” countries lie in the eastern hemisphere.

The problem with humanity is that we are nowhere near as smart as we think we are.

The number of forgotten memories that a human can recall will always be zero.

Relativity in life is amazing. You can see so little and get so much, or see so much and get so little.

The cheap alternatives at the grocery store are the only case where it actually helps to deliberately design cheap-looking product packaging.

We’re lucky the sun belongs to all of us.


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