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Literati Awards showing Wednesday & Saturday at Star

Whitehall Community Theatre, a division of Gold Junction Presents, will perform The Literati Awards on Wednesday, April 19 at 7 PM and Saturday, April 22 at 3 PM at the Star Theatre. Admission is $5 per person. Come support the local actors and actresses of our area in this delightful short play, directed by Whitehall resident Ron Jung.

The brightest stars of classic literature are coming together for the biggest awards show of the year - so of course they're all on their absolute worst behavior.

Romeo (Kerry Wafer) is jealous that Juliet (Julia McNew, who also plays Holden Caulfield and Evie) got nominated, Sherlock Holmes (Jung) keeps trying to deduce the results from the accountant Amanda (Lilly Schober, who also plays Elizabeth Bennett), and it's all security (Creed Cheuvront) can do to keep Gollum (Tim Schober, also playing Smeagol, Moby Dick, and Voldemort) away from his precious trophy.

Everyone's walking the red carpet from Jo March (Chiara Schober, also playing the Wicked Witch) to Jay Gatsby (Tony Perry, also playing Frankenstein and Gandalf), but only one can walk away with the big award for The Greatest Literary Character of All Time. Who will win?

The remaining cast of characters includes hosts Lexi Vellum (Amelia Schober) and Anna Fairchild (Kylee McLaughlin, who also plays Hester Prynne), Denise the Stylist (Terry Chadwick), Daisy (Liz Pullman), Veruca Salt (Halle Downey, also playing Tania), and Hamlet (Jakin Chevront); all narrated by Pati McLaughlin. Lights are under the charge of Sawyer Osborne.

Don't miss Whitehall Community Theatre's production of the Literati Awards on April 19th and 22nd at the Star Theatre. It's sure to be a fun evening of literary characters acting their very best (and their very worst!)


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