Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Hunting Permit Drawing Results Now Available

The drawings for Montana deer and elk permits and for nonresident combination licenses are complete and applicants can find their results online.

You can see your results by visiting, click on MyFWP Login in the upper right hand corner, then click on Lookup Draw Results, Register for Lists tab on the left-hand menu, or login to your MyFWP account. You may also sign up for an account at Applicants may also call any FWP Regional office or the licensing office at 406-444-2950.

For unsuccessful applicants, refunds will come in the form of a check in the mail. If you selected the option for your refund to be donated to the Block Management Program, you will not receive a check in the mail and your full refund amount will be donated.

For successful applicants, if you selected to receive your carcass tag(s) electronically, you may download your carcass tag(s) on your mobile device through your MyFWP account. Do not validate your tag until you have harvested an animal.

Deadline reminders: The deadline to apply for moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, and bison is Monday, May 1; the deadline to apply for elk B, deer B, and antelope is Thursday, June 1. All applications must be completed online or at an FWP office. Most FWP offices with license sales are open Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 5 PM.


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